Saturday, August 25, 2012

Choices in life....


As usual, if I cant sleep here is where I will start to weave my thoughts & gibberish (maybe) ideas.. ^_^

Its been too long since I done a post on a literature piece, so I'll start this post here with one of my favourite poem (was reminded by Miss A tonight bout literature)...We learn it in our secondary school (in Kuching) 

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

Personally to me this poem is very meaningful. It thought me about the choices we have and are given in life. I mean, yes we are destined or as some prefer to say, we DO have our FATE...But I just can't bury it in my logic sense that Allah don't give us any choices in life. Allah maha Adil, Maha Penyayang, Maha Mengasihani...Allah is Great. I believe He has his own way to teach us in each choices that he present to us.

Robert Frost is a brilliant author who can come up with this simple yet moving piece of art. Lets move on stanza by stanza based on my interpretation...

1st stanza
Along our life journey, we are always presented with choices... Tipu sgt la if kata yang kita tidak pernah diberi peluang untuk bt pilihan dalam hidup. Tiap hari kita diberi pilihan... Pilihan bermaksud we cant have both. We have to choose. And the choice that we chose, usually kita buat after a millionth times of consideration...Betul tak? Itu la yang di nyatakan oleh RF dlm poem ni...Each choices we are presented with, kita akan bt penilaian bg setiap pilihan tersebut. Apakah kesannya kita ambil pilihan tersebut...

2nd stanza
Here, to me, RF ingin menyampaikan idea bahawa tidak salah jika kita ingin menjadi berani...& choose the road that are less taken.. It is not a sin nor it is not a bad thing, if we chose to be different. Different tidak bermaksud kita akan gagal, cuma laluan kita akan berbeza dengan insan lain. 

3rd stanza
Disini merujuk kepasa risiko yang kita ambil dalam stanza 2 td..
Andai pilihan yang dibuat itu ternyata byk likunya berbanding laluan yang dah dipilih oleh org sekeliling, janganlah mudah mengalah. In each choice that we have made along our life, I do & ALWAYS believe, there is a silver lining at the end.  Mungkin kita akan hadapi pelbagai rintangan, tp jangan jadikan itu sebagai halangan. Ingat ni " Failures are made to make you stand stronger. Mistakes are there to teach you to be a better person, not to quit & give up half way." Kita tak tahu bila kita akan sampai ke hujung perjalanan or bila kita dah berada di pertengahan jalan dalam hidup. So, why not we just carry on...Alang2 menyeluk pekasam, biarlah sampai ke pangkal lengan!

4th stanza
AWAS! ayat 'sigh' tidak lah selalu bermaksud mengeluh...kdg2 juga digunakan utk menyatakan bahawa kita dh mencuba yang terbaik.. 
Di stanza terakhir ini, kita berada di masa hdpn...Looking at the choices we have made in life, can make us smile, can make us sad... Apapun, itu adalah pilihan yang telah kita bt. Untuk menyesali, jangan. Sbb sekali kita menyesal, bermaksud kita salahkan diri sendiri. Jika kegagalan yg kita temui, jadikan pedoman. :)

All right...baik students.. that's all for tonight hehee..

Pilihan yang saya buat, selalunya adalah utk kebaikan semua, pada masa dan ketika itu. If that makes me a bad person, I don't really give a damn... For me to regret those decisions that I have made...NEVER! But to turn back the time, THAT I wish I can do. 

Untuk bt pilihan yang tepat, adalah mustahil (in my opinion). Each choice we made have its own pro & cons.. Cuma kita boleh doakan, disebalik setiap pilihan yang kita buat, semua org yang terlibat akan bahagia & gembira. 

It's sometimes a better choice to be hurt than to hurt others. Itu falsafah sy. Tak suka? Sila tinggalkan blog ini..hehehe (gurau je la yer..~~)

Penat dah merapu... Till next time... Adios~~~

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just for the fun of it ^_^


It's the 4th day of Eidul Fitr... My 1st day of Eid was with my Mr. 2nd was with fams & we had sooo much fun! Don't bother asking bout the 3rd--I got stung by something (until now IDK what stung me -.-" )

Eid, which is a celebration after the fasting month of Ramadhan, is often associated with delicious food galore, colourful attire & open houses.. It's a special occasion where all the family members gather from near & far to strengthen their ties. Well we all know, FAMILY is IMPORTANT right..

Nahh my post actually is not on Eid...It's on relationship....
Somehow, sometimes, always, for me..a relationship is a two way street kinda thing. It's always meant to be in plural form, not singular. Acceptance, honesty & sincerity are the key structure of what I define as a relationship. 
Acceptance --> not only the partner, also the whole army of theirs...It's vital for me. 
Honesty --> if not in a comfortable situation, tell & we'll get out of it. If don't want @ reluctant, it's best to just say 'No'...It's better than to beat around the bush, which is kinda frustrating every time ~~
Sincerity --> with your thoughts & feelings. 
Man...we're all humans. We, or rather, I, cant read other people's mind. But always action speaks fluently & it's judge-able (eventho, it might not be correct), So, Allah help me!! Ahahaha...

Maybe it's time to think back & just try to justify & be honest with ourselves.
To what extent do I want to be involve in the army troops of my partner?
Do I even want to be with them?
How do I feel about them?
How will I manage with them?

Answer that honestly..
Then ask yourself...
How close do I want my partner to be with my family?
How do I want my partner to react with my family?
How much do I want my partner to accept my whole troops of army?

Compare those answers...See the difference between the answers. If it's neutral @ almost the same, then Alhamdulillah... If the difference are significant, I do think, it's time for you to actually think back & get a grip of what or where the relation should be heading to~~~

Renung-renungkan & Selamat beramal hehehe~~~ :)  No pun intended...

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Nah...tinggal seminggu lagi utk ke penghujung Ramadhan & tibalah Syawal. Yg paling penting, puasa penuh setakat ini...hopefully tak slack la ujung2 bln kelak. Mls na mok ganti huhuuhhu~~

As always, time mcm tok la ati I sik best. Nangga org sekeliling bz jak becarik brg k beraya dgn family. Shopping complex tang padat jak dgn bala2 shoppers (lommm..mgu tok dh bonus, dpn gomen gaji, kuasa 4 kali kadar kepadatan penduduk lam shopping complex ya klk..hoho) 0.o"

Terasa aih, bila terpaksa beraya sorg2. Awal pagi org bz jak dgn family dikpun,kecoh serumah bisin but me? Usually pagi raya, (berdasarkan pengalaman yg sik seberapa) lps bgun solat subuh ya, alu la peng gik atas katil sampe ke tghari. Mun jak rajin mok bkemas, gurin2 jak atas tilam, kt sofa ruang tamu nangga tb. Mun g bjarah pun, I tok ne ada kwn gilak. Nang dasar tutup pintu sllunya. Bak kata daddy--> Sik mesra alam~~hikhikhik

Terasa mok memanjakan dirik jak raya tok. lak la nangga rate gne. Mun sik d luar jangkauan minda yg sik brp nok normal I tok, InsyaAllah, akan I g manjakan diri sebaik mungkin~~Yay! Hrp2 dapat~~

Apapun, bersyukur sbb d beri dugaan kdk tok. Padan muka ada juak la hikhik (bkn nyesal k, sik pnh nyesal) Alah, ada gik Gawai & Xmas ngan family bah. 

Mun sik berpeluang ada family dikpun, I mok polah stail cina. Asal ada PH pnjg jak, g holiday mkn angin. Nah, ada juak best nangga tmpt org gne beraya....

Oh angan2 ya~~~ngantok dh mata melayan tok.Dah ari ujan, kompom nyemmss jak tdo tok. Tdo juh~~Night night...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pengorbanan or Terkorban?


I feel down tonight. I just do... & I hate it when that happened. I feel suffocated...I just want to run away. I really do.

I want to look for a way out. But then again, it'll be too cruel. I don't want to be cruel. I hate it. so much to the extent that if I was on a fast moving car, I'd jump regardless of the pain I'll suffer after that. Kinda scary..but I know it's stupid.

I'm looking for an escapism. I know I must sound like a lunatic blabbering bout things, unsound things..

Monday, August 6, 2012

Appreciate! ♥


Another day passed by eh...Been wanting to post something over the weekend but haven't been free till now. ^_^  I saw a touching scene when I was out grocery shopping at the market.
There I was, sweating due to the late afternoon sun, choosing for a watermelon for sungke at Pasar Minggu, Satok with my Mr. I was telling him how big the watermelon is & I cant finish it on my own. So he pointed out to another seller buying lots of the the same fruit but smaller & cheaper. I just shrug & say no...Off then we went to look for other things. That is when suddenly I saw him.....
He...who manage to make me feel ashamed of my ungratefulness
He...who still smiles despite of the heat
He...who don't seems to be significant to me but have moved my heart

There he is...just a few steps from me. Wearing a simple shirt, his left hand holding his worn blue helmet. He look plain enough that no one pays any attention to him. I don't know why I'm attracted to this particular man. So I keep on observing him choosing fruits from one of the stalls. It is one of the stalls that sells bundles of cheap, too ripe fruits that nobody wants to buy. Clutching Mr's fingers, I move next to him. I was so intent until I saw what he held in his hand & I feel like crying.
Fruits...Yes. FRUITS.
Fruits with holes here & there. Fruits that are no longer green or yellow but more to black and brown.
He was so busy looking for a better fruit but I know there's none.
Sad but there's a smile on his face. In my mind I can only imagine that he's thinking wonderful thoughts of his children eating some fruits tonight - the only reason I can find behind his smile.
A father's happiest moments are when they think they can satisfy their children's need & just seeing them smile is more than enough for him. He's a great father I'm sure of it.

I came home that day, & hug daddy tightly saying I love him so so so much (I was & never am a mummy's daughter *sigh*)

P/S : Mr, I hope you can be an awesome papa too~~InsyaAllah. One day ^_^ 

Friday, August 3, 2012


Ohhh!! Am toooooooo tired today. Got too many work to do. Most are not my job as an educator. I'm too tired so I cry. Ok. The End. -.-"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Edisi 2012 ^_^


Nah...Hampir setahun berlalu tanpa khabar berita dalam blog ini. Mslh biasa sbnrnya--> Terlupa password. Terlalu tua rasanya bila hal2 sebegini boleh lupa. Apapun I'm back :)
Di mana hendak mulakan kali ini? Too many tales to idea where to start.

It's been too it's August! Can't wait for 2013...not that I know what's in store but I'm just excited. It's fasting month now. So less & less activities. But I'm currently addicted to--> Guppies & Baking. Anyway...that's not the main point. (erkk rasa kdk dlm bilit kuliah dgn students jak -.-" )

A month full of memories...Good & bitter memories. Most are bitter sweet. ^_^
It's my third July as a Muslim. 3/7/2012 to be exact. So much has changed yet so many stayed the same. Kinda confusing ya? I'm confused too...but I think I like to confuse myself too much lately. Ohh sorry to digress..hehehe (I have the tendency to do that every time)... Changes- positive & negative- are seen in all aspects of my life. But still Alhamdulillah, I learn to be a better me. & I AM still me.
Ter-KLMJ happenings & memories of these 2 months...Some makes me smile, some makes me sad, not to forget things that I have found & lost. It makes my circle (rujuk post lama on Life Circle) beautifully distorted. I like that word- distorted. Defines perfect yet imperfect. Yahh bgus sik ayat ngenjen I tok? :p
I feel somehow it's different. There's a different aura around me (syok sendiri kali..entah laaa. skati ku! hehe) Nahh am tired after sungke. Gotta layan wassap now. Someone's online & demand attention :p

So, enough for now....mun asa ajin lak amek update agik aok. (hikhik)...