Thursday, March 27, 2014

Door gift! Finally~~~


At last, sementara nak tunggu masa untuk clock out jam 5, curi masa barang seketika untuk meng-upload gambar door gift...
Proses menjahit reben untuk dilekatkan kat tepi bakul.

Bakul yang telah dianyam dari ketas newspaper

Siap di cat! Syelek yerrr..warna syelek pun I variasikan supaya tak bosan hehe

Kombinasi bakul & reben..I buat colourful reben tu..

Ya jak la....Hasil penuh, I lupa snap..dah bz kata...hehehhe

Friday, March 21, 2014

1 week old~~


Ngeh ngeh dah selamat bergelar isteri kepada sang suami... Well it's been a whole week hehe...Alhamdulillah~~

Well, cross cultural marriage is anything BUT easy!! The real challenge is getting the cooking right~~Guessing by my benchmark - his aunty & mum- nope! not getting near their league anytime soon. Huhuhu Hwaiting Anne!! On myyyy, even the sambal belacan between orang Bidayuh & Malay is different.

The next morning Mr. Suami saved me from the confusion- he cooked- Chicken chop, & it's yummy! Let's see the drama today. In line for menu are orange juice, sayur bayam & ikan bawal 3 rasa. Hopefully turns out well, InsyaAllah~~~
Anyway,sharing 1 picture from the wedding photoshoot (taken by me hehe pki Note 8.0 jerr)
My 1 heels that fits all 3 days of my marriage/wedding events..beli ni pun tahun lepas okay, masa sale awal tahun. Gamble je beli padahal masa tu tak plan pun nak kawin...Beli konon sbb dah berkenan sangat nak pakai, cantek kan pearls tu? Hehhehe 

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Ohh myyy....
Am having butterflies flying in my stomach~~~~
Esok, InsyaAllah, sah jadi isteri kepada seorang insan yang disayangi...
Semoga dipermudah segala~~Amin~~
Segala macam feeling ada dlm diri..nebes, cuak, happy, excited etc etc-bukan sebab nak nikah, but sebab esok akan berhadapan dengan family besar si dia..huarggg konfirm muka I yang putih mulus ni berona merah je esok. Dah I ni memang pemerah orangnya..cepat gila blushing (bukan yang pink2 ok, dah crimson red muka I ni blushing)
Cukup coretan untuk melepaskan nebes dalam diri..
Time for beauty (lah sangat) sleep...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Chicken Ka Chiam Ma!!

Wel..It's 4 days before akad nikah & guess what- I'm sick!!! Iboh ditanyak kenak, sbb I pun sik pasti okay~~ Mok madah sebab nebes mok nikah Jemat tok, sik kan la nak sebab bukan ada majlis pun, just simple lunch reception at his house jerrr huahuahua.  SO kesimpulan i adalah, I dapat simptom2 stage fright- am hypersensitive, having a real bad headache (tension maybe? I dunno), body ache (windy body-camya ka mok madah bdn penoh angin ahaha) & disoriented most of the time. Ohh myyyy, iboh I pengsan masa sanding udah. I riso I nangis sik bersebab atas ya kelak, nasib la sikda 'live' broadcast kt dinding...
Wahhh..jaoh dah lari dari topik asal. Ok, berbalik kepada resepi ayam ka chiam ma. Sedikit info k. Ka chiam ma is a chinese dish (etnik apa, I'm not sure). Itis very good to expel wind from the body simply because it uses a lot, i really mean a looooooooottttttttt of ginger & garlic (i love these). In my family, this is a must have dish masa berpantang...
Jumm tengok bahan:
Ok. So bahan-bahan are Ginger, Garlic, Ka Chiam Ma leaves. Nampak ada Planta kan? Resepi ni tak guna any oil at all, but I gedik nak bagi wangi so I guna 1/2 teaspoon of Planta. Also, ada Ribena kat situ - ini pun I gedik. Biasa nya guna sedikit air biasa je, but I want it to be sweet, so I substitute dengan Ribena. Fusion sangattt kannn?? (sesuka hati I je modify resepi).

Ni pula adalah rupa daun Ka Chiam Ma yang dalam packing. Murah jer, RM2 1 packet & the smell is wangiii la sangat!!!
Cara memasak:
  1. Panaskan/ Hangatkan daun ka chiam ma dalam kuali. (without oil) Guna api kecik, takut hangus lak daun tu. Agak-agak dah kuar bau wangi, alihkan.
  2. Ulang 1 untuk ginger & garlic (ditumbuk) tapi tek perlu alihkan. Dah wangi tu masukkan ayam & gaul rata. Biarkan sebentar.
  3. Masukkan daun ka chiam ma & air ribena. Air tu sikit je, bukan macam nak buat kuah...
  4. Masak sampai air hampir kering.
  5. Makannn!!!
Nah! Ni rupanya dalam kuali...

Yang ni dalam mangkuk. Makan sambil layan buku Inferno by Dan Brown & layan Astro Awani #prayforMH370  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Battle of WANT!

Going with the flow...the battle is nearing the end. I'd like to congratulate myself! -clap clap clap-
  • trying to fight for things that are not mine to begin with
  • getting more plasters 
  • wanting something that is already acknowledged as mission impossible
  • getting puffy, swelling eye(bag) 
  • successfully suppressing my wants 
  • smiling till the end (InsyaAllah-someone have to give in,right?)
At time (most times), all I wanted is just a show of appreciation that I too, am a part of this (just a stalk of my favourite flower would do just fine. I am a women,after all, & I do love those cheesy things) As time goes by, I learn my place, I learn to keep quite, I learn to talk about distracting things & do things to keep my mind off...
I know I will need to learn more in the future, InsyaAllah, I will do my very best. I want this to last this time, regardless of anything, well except, THAT 1 thing (I'll keep it to myself).