Saturday, August 25, 2012

Choices in life....


As usual, if I cant sleep here is where I will start to weave my thoughts & gibberish (maybe) ideas.. ^_^

Its been too long since I done a post on a literature piece, so I'll start this post here with one of my favourite poem (was reminded by Miss A tonight bout literature)...We learn it in our secondary school (in Kuching) 

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

Personally to me this poem is very meaningful. It thought me about the choices we have and are given in life. I mean, yes we are destined or as some prefer to say, we DO have our FATE...But I just can't bury it in my logic sense that Allah don't give us any choices in life. Allah maha Adil, Maha Penyayang, Maha Mengasihani...Allah is Great. I believe He has his own way to teach us in each choices that he present to us.

Robert Frost is a brilliant author who can come up with this simple yet moving piece of art. Lets move on stanza by stanza based on my interpretation...

1st stanza
Along our life journey, we are always presented with choices... Tipu sgt la if kata yang kita tidak pernah diberi peluang untuk bt pilihan dalam hidup. Tiap hari kita diberi pilihan... Pilihan bermaksud we cant have both. We have to choose. And the choice that we chose, usually kita buat after a millionth times of consideration...Betul tak? Itu la yang di nyatakan oleh RF dlm poem ni...Each choices we are presented with, kita akan bt penilaian bg setiap pilihan tersebut. Apakah kesannya kita ambil pilihan tersebut...

2nd stanza
Here, to me, RF ingin menyampaikan idea bahawa tidak salah jika kita ingin menjadi berani...& choose the road that are less taken.. It is not a sin nor it is not a bad thing, if we chose to be different. Different tidak bermaksud kita akan gagal, cuma laluan kita akan berbeza dengan insan lain. 

3rd stanza
Disini merujuk kepasa risiko yang kita ambil dalam stanza 2 td..
Andai pilihan yang dibuat itu ternyata byk likunya berbanding laluan yang dah dipilih oleh org sekeliling, janganlah mudah mengalah. In each choice that we have made along our life, I do & ALWAYS believe, there is a silver lining at the end.  Mungkin kita akan hadapi pelbagai rintangan, tp jangan jadikan itu sebagai halangan. Ingat ni " Failures are made to make you stand stronger. Mistakes are there to teach you to be a better person, not to quit & give up half way." Kita tak tahu bila kita akan sampai ke hujung perjalanan or bila kita dah berada di pertengahan jalan dalam hidup. So, why not we just carry on...Alang2 menyeluk pekasam, biarlah sampai ke pangkal lengan!

4th stanza
AWAS! ayat 'sigh' tidak lah selalu bermaksud mengeluh...kdg2 juga digunakan utk menyatakan bahawa kita dh mencuba yang terbaik.. 
Di stanza terakhir ini, kita berada di masa hdpn...Looking at the choices we have made in life, can make us smile, can make us sad... Apapun, itu adalah pilihan yang telah kita bt. Untuk menyesali, jangan. Sbb sekali kita menyesal, bermaksud kita salahkan diri sendiri. Jika kegagalan yg kita temui, jadikan pedoman. :)

All right...baik students.. that's all for tonight hehee..

Pilihan yang saya buat, selalunya adalah utk kebaikan semua, pada masa dan ketika itu. If that makes me a bad person, I don't really give a damn... For me to regret those decisions that I have made...NEVER! But to turn back the time, THAT I wish I can do. 

Untuk bt pilihan yang tepat, adalah mustahil (in my opinion). Each choice we made have its own pro & cons.. Cuma kita boleh doakan, disebalik setiap pilihan yang kita buat, semua org yang terlibat akan bahagia & gembira. 

It's sometimes a better choice to be hurt than to hurt others. Itu falsafah sy. Tak suka? Sila tinggalkan blog ini..hehehe (gurau je la yer..~~)

Penat dah merapu... Till next time... Adios~~~

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