Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's been a while...hehe I'm not a frequent surfer who's on 24/7. , *wink wink*

Anyway, lately I've been searching high & low for a house. Penat juga terasa bila terpaksa mencari ni.It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!! But InsyaAllah, maybe one day it'll prove to be worth it! =)

I've been calmer this week.I think laaa...Tak byk sgt dugaan bsr.Yg kecil-kecil tu biasa la kan? Bersyukur atas dugaan tu :)   also, I've been counting days! To what...let it b my secret heehee~~~ Can't wait. Need to check the flight details too...If everything's oke, then *walllaaaaa*~~~

I think I need a hug badly today. I'm having pre-flu symptoms, pre-headache and a cold sweat session. Maybe it's the weather. But I still can handle it~ Hug me!!!! :(

Gotta go..Sakit kepala dan flu ni nmpk mcm nak jd makin teruk je huhu ...

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