A circle of life...A journey of change & adaptation. It's something that all of us have to go through in all phases of life.It's not the matter of when, its the matter of how that matters most. Each phase of life, brings us to different level of responsibility. A different level of thinking, a different level of ways we perceive things around us, thus bringing & preparing us to become an adult. All this relies on us...to change for the better or for the worse than we already are.
A caterpillar will change into a butterfly as the circle spins,as do a little larvae change to its 'better' form such as ladybirds, mosquito etc... Does human as the highest being created by God, went through this circle of life. For me, we do..Its juz that it depends on us, to acknowledge and change or to ignore and remain ignorant. Everyone wants to be better overtime, that I am sure of...In my view, to achieve that, first, throw away your ego. By holding up to it, nothing will change,not even if you tried your very best to.Secondly, open your eyes, heart and mind for critisims and advise.These things are not be looked upon in dark lights,try to look at it in a positive way. God created these as I believe He wanted us to learn from our mistakes. Thirdly, remember, rules are made for reasons. Its ruled out based on other people's experience...Its not hard to obey them. You may feel the reasons are unreasonable. But who knows one day when you have to face the consequences of your action, and then there's no turning back. Fourth, pray, ask for forgiveness and be thankful to Allah for all that He have given to you. When you are having a bad day or rough times, juz remember all that is Allah's test and that in the world there lots more people that are not as fortunate as you...
Allah tidak akan memberikan ujian, cabaran dan dugaan diluar kemampuan umatnya...InshaAllah..
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