Sunday, March 24, 2013


Literally choked while eating my mushroom meatball & laterally when I saw that picture...
I'm not the type to tell what's wrong..cause I have faith that people have awareness regarding their action. One of the good quality that I learned from someone precious before...
Usually,I'm not this sensitive..but tonight I cant't help but cry. I'm not jealous,I'm not angry...but..I'm feeling insecure,I feel vulnerable,I feel exposed & above all, I'm afraid of losing. I cant go through it anymore,I just can't. I blame myself for this,for having this feeling...I pity myself.
Pengalaman mendewasakan..maybe. But pengalaman juga membuatkan diri ini fobia.
I'm just afraid... I know I cant go through the same thing again. I just dont have the strength,not anymore.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

To love & to lost... Life goes on~~ Footsteps on the sand will be erased when the tide comes, but it will forever change the sand grains and remain embeded.. :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ohhh Pakar Bahasa Inggeris

Andainya begitu mudah utk translate English ke BM. Mencabar tugas kali ini...terutama bila label di atas meja stated as 'Pakar Bahasa Inggeris' -.-"
Apapun,seronok eventhough byk kerja & pening kepala. Yg best, cukup mkn (makin bumbum la lps tok hoho)
Okeyh..juh ngerayo tepi waterfront lok dgn member semadi nunggu dinner jam 7 klk..
Assalamualaikum ^_^

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The return of me ^^,

Skali lg muncul d alam maya stlh lama menyepi. Hikhik..dh mcm chipsmore kan? Haaa...tok dh pake semartpon boleh la ngupdate dgn gigih tok.(kdk la ada yg baca)~~
Kblkgn ni bz la pulak. Dgn audit yg bkl kunjung tiba, next week gik kursus seminggu (dpt merasa tdo ekon & tilam best :p ), homework utk event 'ya' gik (if jadi laa)...
Apapun klk ada ms update gik..ngantok bena dh tok lps mkn McD td..